How To Play
1. One player draws a card and reads the "If..." question out loud to the group.
2. That player then provides their best logical answer to the hypothetical scenario on the card. They should explain their rationale.
3. Each other player then gets to ask the answering player one follow-up question about their answer, in an attempt to poke holes in their logic or stump them. The follow-up question can NOT be an alternative answer.
4. The answering player gets a chance to respond to each follow-up question and defend their original answer. Their goal is to provide responses that are somewhat logical within the hypothetical world.
5. If at any point the answering player cannot provide a logical-seeming response to a follow-up question, they lose the round.
6. If the answering player can successfully answer all follow-up questions with logical-sounding responses, they win the round.
7. Optional: For a scoring version, each time the answering player successfully responds to a follow-up question, they earn 1 point. First to reach 10 (or any set amount) wins.
8. Play passes to the next player who draws a card and becomes the new answering player for a new hypothetical question.
9. The game continues with each player getting chances to answer the hypotheticals and see how long they can survive the follow-up rounds!